"الشورى" يوصي بزيادة مكافأة طلاب وطالبات الجامعات بنسبة 30%
وجه مجلس الشورى اليوم بتشكيل لجنة خاصة لدراسة مقترح مقدمة من قبل عدد من الأعضاء يطالب بتعديل رسوم تأشيرات استقدام العمالة المنزلية ورسوم الإقامة لإخضاعه لمزيد من الدراسة.
وينص المقترح على تخفيض رسوم تأشيرات الاستقدام على أن تكون الزيادة فيها متدرجة بحسب عدد تأشيرات الدخول المطلوبة للعمل من أجل الأفراد وفقاً لآليةٍ محددة، إضافة إلى خفض رسم تأشيرة العمالة المنزلية ورسوم استخراج رخصة الإقامة. وجاءت هذه الخطوة بعد مناقشة المجلس لتقرير لجنة الشؤون المالية بشأنه، حيث وافق المجلس بالأغلبية على ملائمة دراسة المقترح. ومعلوم أن رسوم تأشيرة استقدام العمالة المنزلية تبلغ حاليا نحو ألفي ريال.
كما وافق المجلس على توصية مقدمة من أحد الأعضاء تطالب بزيادة مكافأة طلاب وطالبات الجامعات بنسبة 30 في المائة من المكافآت الحالية، إضافة إلى توصية أخرى بشمول أعضاء هيئة التدريس السعوديين المتقاعدين قبل صدور قرار مجلس الوزراء بتاريخ 1/9/1429هـ بمكافأة نهاية الخدمة.
جاء ذلك خلال مناقشة المجلس لوجهة نظر لجنة الشؤون التعليمية والبحث العلمي بشأن الملحوظات والآراء التي طرحها عدد من أعضاء المجلس أثناء مناقشة التقرير السنوي لوزارة العليم العالي والجامعات للعام المالي 1428/1429هـ، في جلسة سابقة.
وبرر العضو مقدم التوصية ذلك بأن الطلاب لم ينالوا المكرمة الملكية التي وجه بها خادم الحرمين الشريفين وهي زيادة 15في المائة عند توليه مقاليد البلاد، كما لم تشمل المكرمة الملكية والتي تمثلت في زيادة قدرها 15في المائة بدل معيشة والتي وجه بها خادم الحرمين الشريفين، إلى جانب أن هناك بعض الطلاب الذين يعيلون أسرهم من خلال المكافأة التي يحصلون عليها.
وطالب مجلس الشورى برئاسة الدكتور عبد الله آل الشيخ، وزارة التعليم العالي والجامعات على دراسة واقع التعليم التقني في المملكة ومدى الحاجة إلى إنشاء جامعات تقنية، وإيجاد الآليات التي تمكن الجامعات من استقطاب الكفاءات المتميزة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس ومن في حكمهم.
كما طالب المجلس وزارة التعليم العالي ووزارة المالية بإعطاء الأولوية لتنفيذ مشاريع المستشفيات الجامعية في الجامعات الناشئة، وتضمين تقرير وزارة التعليم العالي والجامعات معلومات تفصيلية عن الكراسي العلمية والأوقاف في الجامعات.
Microsoft Corp. has launched a software program to "Fix it"
Launched by Microsoft Corp. software program
"Fix it"
(Ie fix) for the protection of personal computers and maintenance repair systems automatically.
The new program is primarily to add automated diagnostic system is located in the
Program "Windows 7" to old versions of Microsoft operating system.
Microsoft said that the new program, which is now available on
For experimentation or in the form of a beta release, prompt users to
Program "Windows XP" and "Vista".
Impact prediction
The program tries to predict how the impact of the new system updates Security
And safety on the PC, before it is installed or Tnasiha in the device.
Once installed, the new program to get updates
On issues known to the Windows program, or any equipment associated with it.
As is also regularly check and check on whether the device
Hosted fell victim to a risk or not.
Problems and Solutions
This, the new program has the solutions to about 300 of the most problem
Faced by users on a large scale, which usually stops the Windows system for work.
As the new system also repair and maintenance of a list of programs and parts
PC, so if it does not succeed reform automated system to find a solution to a problem.
In this case, the program could help users to provide
Technical support staff at Microsoft with information on what is going wrong.
Several organs
Will be able to users who access the site
Maekerosut and download the new program for free from the pages of
Support your company should use it in several computers.
Will have to be users of the program "Windows XP" wishing
Using the new program to have a system of "Service Pack 3" is installed
On their computers so they can take advantage of the new service.
It is noteworthy that the use of service "Fix it" had begun, in principle,
Since 2008, when Microsoft Dashrat
To use the logo of the same name, the "fix is coming".
The company aims behind the introduction of the service to shed light on
Automated solution available on the support pages and support
Which used to deal with the problems so familiar.
Fix to
Any person who by clicking on the logo have been lowered by practically
Is trying to fix the error is located in an automatic.
It is noteworthy that Microsoft, like many software companies
The other, has built an information base and a very wide
Mistakes, failures and common problems.
The technology contained in the Windows program for reporting
Breakdowns and other viruses that PCs encounter
Launched by Microsoft Corp. software program
"Fix it"
(Ie fix) for the protection of personal computers and maintenance repair systems automatically.
The new program is primarily to add automated diagnostic system is located in the
Program "Windows 7" to old versions of Microsoft operating system.
Microsoft said that the new program, which is now available on
For experimentation or in the form of a beta release, prompt users to
Program "Windows XP" and "Vista".
Impact prediction
The program tries to predict how the impact of the new system updates Security
And safety on the PC, before it is installed or Tnasiha in the device.
Once installed, the new program to get updates
On issues known to the Windows program, or any equipment associated with it.
As is also regularly check and check on whether the device
Hosted fell victim to a risk or not.
Problems and Solutions
This, the new program has the solutions to about 300 of the most problem
Faced by users on a large scale, which usually stops the Windows system for work.
As the new system also repair and maintenance of a list of programs and parts
PC, so if it does not succeed reform automated system to find a solution to a problem.
In this case, the program could help users to provide
Technical support staff at Microsoft with information on what is going wrong.
Several organs
Will be able to users who access the site
Maekerosut and download the new program for free from the pages of
Support your company should use it in several computers.
Will have to be users of the program "Windows XP" wishing
Using the new program to have a system of "Service Pack 3" is installed
On their computers so they can take advantage of the new service.
It is noteworthy that the use of service "Fix it" had begun, in principle,
Since 2008, when Microsoft Dashrat
To use the logo of the same name, the "fix is coming".
The company aims behind the introduction of the service to shed light on
Automated solution available on the support pages and support
Which used to deal with the problems so familiar.
Fix to
Any person who by clicking on the logo have been lowered by practically
Is trying to fix the error is located in an automatic.
It is noteworthy that Microsoft, like many software companies
The other, has built an information base and a very wide
Mistakes, failures and common problems.
The technology contained in the Windows program for reporting
Breakdowns and other viruses that PCs encounter